C# bindings for DWG2000 SMS API

Yes, it’s done and as I promised in my previous post, I am releasing it to the public.

This project started when a local company hired me to make the API support for Linux. It was a success and the sms-client started to work right away. It was not until 2 or 3 months after finishing the project that the idea of making the source code public came to my mind and despite this project may not be a great contribution to the community, it is the first of (hopefully) many.

This particular branch of the project might be specially useful for writing quick VAS software on top of the gateway. It is much easier to write business logic algorithms in C# than in C and in my case, that’s exactly what happened.

Get a copy from my github account

Dinstar SMS API client

I just committed the project that uses libdwgsms to send/receive text messages through Dinstar’s branded gateways.

The code goes as simple as follows, and you can check it from my github account:

* main.c
* Created on: Sep 19, 2012
* Author: caruizdiaz
* caruizdiaz.com
#include "dwg/dwg_util.h"
#include "dwg/dwg.h"
#define LISTEN_PORT 7008
#define SEND_SMS_PORT 0
void new_sms_handler(str_t *gw_ip, dwg_sms_received_t *sms)
LOG(L_DEBUG, "[%.*s] Encoding: %d, From: %s, Len: %d, Text: %.*s\n", gw_ip->len, gw_ip->s,
sms->message.len, sms->message.s);
void status_handler(str_t *gw_ip, dwg_ports_status_t *status)
int index = 0;
LOG(L_DEBUG, "\t[%.*s] Number of ports: %d\n", gw_ip->len, gw_ip->s, status->size);
for (index = 0; index < status->size; index++)
LOG(L_DEBUG, "\tPort%d: %d\n", index, status->status_array[index].status);
void msg_response_handler(str_t *gw_ip, dwg_sms_response_t *response)
LOG(L_DEBUG, "\t[%.*s] ACK response from %s\n", gw_ip->len, gw_ip->s, response->number);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
dwg_message_callback_t callbacks = {
.status_callback = status_handler,
.msg_response_callback = msg_response_handler,
.msg_sms_recv_callback = new_sms_handler
LOG(L_DEBUG, "%s: Setting up sever... \n", __FUNCTION__);
dwg_start_server(LISTEN_PORT, &callbacks);
LOG(L_DEBUG, "%s: Server listening at port %d\n", __FUNCTION__, LISTEN_PORT);
str_t des = { "59598146623", sizeof("59598146623") - 1};
str_t msg = { "test from PY!", sizeof("test from PY!") - 1 };
dwg_send_sms(&des, &msg, SEND_SMS_PORT);
return 0;

Dinstar SMS API update

I’ve been working very hard in the past few months that updating my blog was relegated to the least of my priorities. It’s a pity, but I had no choice :(.

Back on the track, I came here to present an update of the Dinstar’s SMS API implementation which I started writing some time ago. I paused the project several times mostly because I had no economic reason to support my time on it , but luckily, the situation changed and today the great majority of the API is implemented and working.

I don’t maintain a changelog other than the one on github commit list, but basically, this is what changed:

– Support for API 1.4 and 2.0
– Support for authentication mechanism. (This is partial, check source code)
– Support for RSSI packages
– Support for Unicode strings
– The project is no longer a standalone application, now is a shared library.
– Several bug fixes

The C# bindings are also ready. I will publish the code probably next week.

Check the repo on github